Whether you are a new startup or an established organization, having accurate financial statements are vital to your organization’s well-being. Developing and maintaining these statements, as well as managing the audit process, is complex and time-consuming. Cairn North Consulting can provide you with the services necessary to develop accurate, timely financial statements, as well as assist you in managing the financial audit of your organization. Whether you have complex financial statements that are in need of clean-up, or you are facing your first financial audit, Cairn North Consulting can assist you.
Services offered:
Financial statement preparation - preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements for management, owners, boards of directors, banks, and other users
Financial statement clean-up - clean-up and reconciliation of problem accounts to ensure accuracy and relevance in the financial statements
Audit preparation - ensure that you are ready for a financial audit through preparation of documentation and financial schedules required by auditors
Audit management - interfacing with auditors before, during, and after the audit field work, to ensure that you are kept informed of the audit’s progression and any trouble areas